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Version: 0.1.0 Type: application

Deploy helper for probes and scrapeconfig of prometheus-operator


Key Type Default Description
prober list [{"name":"local","spec":{"path":"/probe","url":"prometheus-blackbox-exporter:9115"}}] prober for each the following probes are created (multiside probes)
prober[0].name string "local" name of prober
prober[0].spec object {"path":"/probe","url":"prometheus-blackbox-exporter:9115"} spec of prober (like url, path, scheme ...)
probes[0].groups object {"framasoft":["framasoft.org","degooglisons-internet.org","framapiaf.org","framatube.org"]} groups with targets
probes[0].ipv4 bool true setup one for ipv4 (see module and his suffix)
probes[0].ipv6 bool true setup one for ipv6 (see module and his suffix)
probes[0].module string "http_2xx" probe module (suffix with _ipv4 and ipv6 if enabled)
probes[0].name string "http" name of probe
probes[1].groups object {"digitalcourage":["digitalcourage.de","nuudel.digitalcourage.de","digitalcourage.social"]} groups with targets
probes[1].ipv4 bool true setup one for ipv4 (see module and his suffix)
probes[1].ipv6 bool false setup one for ipv6 (see module and his suffix)
probes[1].module string "http_2xx" probe module (suffix with _ipv4 and ipv6 if enabled)
probes[1].name string "http-ipv4" name of probe
prometheus.probe.labels object {"prometheus":"default"} labels on Probe
prometheus.scrape.labels object {"prometheus":"default"} labels on ScrapeConfig
scrapes[0].groups object {"de":["ber.de.local:9100","fra.de.local:9100","ham.de.local:9100"],"ie":["dub.ie.local:9100","ork.ie.local:9100"]} groups with targets
scrapes[0].name string "nodes" name of scrape
scrapes[1].auth.password string nil basic auth password
scrapes[1].auth.token string nil bearer token
scrapes[1].auth.username string nil basic auth username
scrapes[1].groups object {"de":["fra.de.s3.local:9000","ham.de.s3.local:9000"],"ie":["dub.ie.s3.local:9000"]} groups with targets
scrapes[1].metricsPath string "/minio/v2/metrics/node" metric path on scrape
scrapes[1].name string "minio" name of scrape
scrapes[1].scheme string "http" schema on scrape

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.2