
6.6 KiB

title description
miniserve A Helm chart for Kubernetes


Version: 0.4.4 Type: application AppVersion: 0.29.0

A Helm chart for Kubernetes


Name Email Url
WrenIX https://wrenix.eu


Helm must be installed and setup to your kubernetes cluster to use the charts. Refer to Helm's documentation to get started. Once Helm has been set up correctly, fetch the charts as follows:

helm pull oci://codeberg.org/wrenix/helm-charts/miniserve

You can install a chart release using the following command:

helm install miniserve-release oci://codeberg.org/wrenix/helm-charts/miniserve --values values.yaml

To uninstall a chart release use helm's delete command:

helm uninstall miniserve-release


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
autoscaling.enabled bool false
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
data.args list [] used for commandline flags
data.auth string "" Set authentication. Currently supported formats: username:password, username:sha256:hash, username:sha512:hash (e.g. joe:123, joe:sha256:a665a45920422f9d417e4867efdc4fb8a04a1f3fff1fa07e998e86f7f7a27ae3)
data.colorScheme string "squirrel" Default color scheme
data.colorSchemeDark string "archlinux" Default color scheme
data.dirsFirst bool true List directories first
data.enable.tar bool false Enable uncompressed tar archive generation
data.enable.tarGZ bool false Enable gz-compressed tar archive generation
data.enable.zip bool false Enable zip archive generation WARNING: Zipping large directories can result in out-of-memory exception because zip generation is done in memory and cannot be sent on the fly
data.hidden bool false Show hidden files
data.hideThemeSelector bool false Hide theme selector
data.hideVersionFooter bool true Hide version footer
data.index string "index.html" Normally, when miniserve serves a directory, it creates a listing for that directory. However, if a directory contains this file, miniserve will serve that file instead.
data.noSymlinks bool false Hide symlinks in listing and prevent them from being followed
data.path string "/data" Which path to serve
data.prettyURLs bool false Activate Pretty URLs mode
data.qrcode bool false Enable QR code display
data.readme bool false Enable README.md rendering in directories
data.routePrefix string "" Use a specific route prefix
data.showSymlinkInfo bool false Visualize symlinks in directory listing
data.showWGETFooter bool true If enabled, display a wget command to recursively download the current directory
data.spa bool false Activate SPA (Single Page Application) mode
data.title string "" Shown instead of host in page title and heading
data.upload.allowedDir string "" Enable file uploading (and optionally specify for which directory)
data.upload.mediaType string "" Specify uploadable media types: possible values image, audio, video
data.upload.mkdir bool false Enable creating directories
data.upload.overwriteFiles bool false Enable overriding existing files during file upload
data.upload.rawMediaType string "" Directly specify the uploadable media type expression
data.verbose bool false Be verbose, includes emitting access logs
data.webdav.enabled bool false If enabled, respond to WebDAV requests (read-only).
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "docker.io/svenstaro/miniserve"
image.tag string ""
imagePullSecrets list []
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.className string ""
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/"
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "ImplementationSpecific"
ingress.tls list []
nameOverride string ""
networkPolicy.egress.enabled bool true activate egress no networkpolicy
networkPolicy.egress.extra list [] egress rules
networkPolicy.enabled bool false
networkPolicy.ingress.http list [] ingress for http port (e.g. ingress-controller)
nodeSelector object {}
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce"
persistence.annotations object {}
persistence.enabled bool false
persistence.existingClaim string nil A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim Requires persistence.enabled: true If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound
persistence.hostPath string nil
persistence.size string "1Gi"
persistence.storageClass string nil data Persistent Volume Storage Class If defined, storageClassName: If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
podAnnotations object {}
podLabels object {}
podSecurityContext object {}
replicaCount int 1
resources.limits.memory string "256Mi"
resources.requests.cpu string "80m"
resources.requests.memory string "128Mi"
securityContext object {}
service.port int 8080
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.name string "" If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tolerations list []

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs