2025-02-28 18:01:41 +00:00
templates fix(forgejo-runner): Fix job image for generate-config after added global.image override 2025-02-28 12:21:43 +01:00
.helmignore feat(forgejo-runner): init helm-chart #1 2023-10-20 20:37:59 +02:00
_docs.gotmpl chore(forgejo-runner): doc syntax 2024-11-20 23:24:36 +01:00
Chart.yaml fix(forgejo-runner): Fix job image for generate-config after added global.image override 2025-02-28 12:21:43 +01:00
README.md fix(forgejo-runner): Fix job image for generate-config after added global.image override 2025-02-28 12:21:43 +01:00
values-dind-bypass.yaml fix(forgejo-runner): use configfile with values from helm-chart 2024-05-26 19:54:30 +02:00
values.yaml fix(deps): update docker.io/library/docker docker tag to v28.0.1 2025-02-28 18:01:41 +00:00

title description
forgejo-runner Deploy runner for an forgejo instance (default codeberg.org)


Version: 0.4.18 Type: application AppVersion: 6.2.2

Deploy runner for an forgejo instance (default codeberg.org)


Name Email Url
WrenIX https://wrenix.eu

{{< callout type="warning" >}} Me, wrenix, switch to woodpecker and maybe does not test every change. {{< /callout >}}

Accessing docker socket inside job containers

To access the docker socket inside the job containers, the following example values may be used (see values-dind-bypass.yaml):

    create: true
    existingSecret: ""
        level: "info"
        file: ".runner"
        capacity: 1
          A_TEST_ENV_NAME_1: null
          A_TEST_ENV_NAME_2: null
          DOCKER_HOST: tcp://
          DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY: 1
          DOCKER_CERT_PATH: /certs/client
        network: host
        enable_ipv6: false
        privileged: false
        options: -v /certs/client:/certs/client
          - /certs/client


Helm must be installed and setup to your kubernetes cluster to use the charts. Refer to Helm's documentation to get started. Once Helm has been set up correctly, fetch the charts as follows:

helm pull oci://codeberg.org/wrenix/helm-charts/forgejo-runner

You can install a chart release using the following command:

helm install forgejo-runner-release oci://codeberg.org/wrenix/helm-charts/forgejo-runner --values values.yaml

To uninstall a chart release use helm's delete command:

helm uninstall forgejo-runner-release


Docker in Docker

Key Type Default Description
dind.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
dind.image.registry string "docker.io" image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
dind.image.repository string "library/docker" image repository
dind.image.tag string "28.0.0-dind" image tag
dind.resources object {} We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi

Configuration yaml of runner (see: https://code.forgejo.org/forgejo/runner/src/branch/main/internal/pkg/config/config.example.yaml)

Key Type Default Description
runner.config.file.cache.dir string "" The directory to store the cache data. If it's empty, the cache data will be stored in $HOME/.cache/actcache.
runner.config.file.cache.enabled bool true Enable cache server to use actions/cache.
runner.config.file.cache.external_server string "" The external cache server URL. Valid only when enable is true. If it's specified, act_runner will use this URL as the ACTIONS_CACHE_URL rather than start a server by itself. The URL should generally end with "/".
runner.config.file.cache.host string "" The host of the cache server. It's not for the address to listen, but the address to connect from job containers. So is a bad choice, leave it empty to detect automatically.
runner.config.file.cache.port int 0 The port of the cache server. 0 means to use a random available port.
runner.config.file.container.docker_host string "-" overrides the docker client host with the specified one. If "-", an available docker host will automatically be found. If empty, an available docker host will automatically be found and mounted in the job container (e.g. /var/run/docker.sock). Otherwise the specified docker host will be used and an error will be returned if it doesn't work.
runner.config.file.container.enable_ipv6 bool false Whether to create networks with IPv6 enabled. Requires the Docker daemon to be set up accordingly. Only takes effect if "network" is set to "".
runner.config.file.container.force_pull bool false Pull docker image(s) even if already present
runner.config.file.container.network string "" Specifies the network to which the container will connect. Could be host, bridge or the name of a custom network. If it's empty, create a network automatically.
runner.config.file.container.options string nil And other options to be used when the container is started (eg, --add-host=my.forgejo.url:host-gateway).
runner.config.file.container.privileged bool false And other options to be used when the container is started (eg, --add-host=my.forgejo.url:host-gateway).
runner.config.file.container.valid_volumes list [] Volumes (including bind mounts) can be mounted to containers. Glob syntax is supported, see https://github.com/gobwas/glob You can specify multiple volumes. If the sequence is empty, no volumes can be mounted. For example, if you only allow containers to mount the data volume and all the json files in /src, you should change the config to: valid_volumes: - data - /src/*.json If you want to allow any volume, please use the following configuration: valid_volumes: - '**'
runner.config.file.container.workdir_parent string nil The parent directory of a job's working directory. If it's empty, /workspace will be used.
runner.config.file.host.workdir_parent string nil The parent directory of a job's working directory. If it's empty, $HOME/.cache/act/ will be used.
runner.config.file.log.job_level string "info" The level of logging for jobs, can be trace, debug, info, earn, error, fatal
runner.config.file.log.level string "info" The level of logging, can be trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
runner.config.file.runner.capacity int 1 Execute how many tasks concurrently at the same time.
runner.config.file.runner.env_file string ".env" Extra environment variables to run jobs from a file. It will be ignored if it's empty or the file doesn't exist.
runner.config.file.runner.envs object {"A_TEST_ENV_NAME_1":"a_test_env_value_1","A_TEST_ENV_NAME_2":"a_test_env_value_2"} Extra environment variables to run jobs.
runner.config.file.runner.fetch_interval string "2s" The interval for fetching the job from the Forgejo instance.
runner.config.file.runner.fetch_timeout string "5s" The timeout for fetching the job from the Forgejo instance.
runner.config.file.runner.file string ".runner" Runner config which contains id and token of this runner (autogenerate with create)
runner.config.file.runner.insecure bool false Whether skip verifying the TLS certificate of the Forgejo instance.
runner.config.file.runner.labels list [] The labels of a runner are used to determine which jobs the runner can run, and how to run them. Like: ["macos-arm64:host", "ubuntu-latest:docker://node:16-bullseye", "ubuntu-22.04:docker://node:16-bullseye"] If it's empty when registering, it will ask for inputting labels. If it's empty when execute deamon, will use labels in .runner file.
runner.config.file.runner.timeout string "3h" The timeout for a job to be finished. Please note that the Forgejo instance also has a timeout (3h by default) for the job. So the job could be stopped by the Forgejo instance if it's timeout is shorter than this.

Other Values

Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
autoscaling.behavior object {} behavior of HPA Example: scaleDown: stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 policies: - type: Pods value: 1 periodSeconds: 60 scaleUp: stabilizationWindowSeconds: 0 policies: - type: Pods value: 1 periodSeconds: 60
autoscaling.enabled bool false
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
extraEnvVars list [] Additional environment variables to be set on runner container Example: extraEnvVars: - name: FOO value: "bar"
fullnameOverride string ""
global.image.pullPolicy string nil if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
global.image.registry string nil if set it will overwrite all registry entries
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
image.registry string "code.forgejo.org" image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
image.repository string "forgejo/runner" image repository
image.tag string "" image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list []
kubectl.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
kubectl.image.registry string "docker.io"
kubectl.image.repository string "bitnami/kubectl"
kubectl.image.tag string "1.32.2"
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
podAnnotations object {}
podLabels object {}
podSecurityContext object {}
replicaCount int 1 replicas
resources object {} We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi
runner.config.create bool true
runner.config.existingSecret string "" use existingSecret instatt
runner.config.instance string "https://codeberg.org"
runner.config.name string nil
runner.config.token string nil
securityContext.privileged bool true
serviceAccount.annotations object {}
serviceAccount.automount bool true
serviceAccount.create bool true
serviceAccount.name string ""
tolerations list []
volumeMounts list []
volumes list []

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs