{{- $clientID := get . "clientID" }} {{- $clientSecret := get . "clientSecret" }} {{- with get . "root" }} {{- range .Values.blueprint.provider.oidc.scopes }} {{- if .expression }} - model: authentik_providers_oauth2.ScopeMapping identifiers: name: {{ .name | quote }} state: present attrs: name: {{ .name | quote }} scope_name: {{ .scope_name }} expression: {{ .expression | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} - model: authentik_providers_oauth2.OAuth2Provider id: provider identifiers: name: {{ .Values.blueprint.provider.name | default (include "authentik-application.fullname" .) }} state: present attrs: authorization_flow: !Find [authentik_flows.flow, [slug, {{ .Values.blueprint.provider.authorizationFlow }}]] {{- with .Values.blueprint.provider.oidc }} client_type: {{ .clientType | quote }} client_id: {{ $clientID | quote }} client_secret: {{ $clientSecret | quote }} redirect_uris: {{ .redirectURL }} {{- with .tokenDuration }} access_token_validity: {{ . | quote }} {{- end }} {{- with .signingKey }} signing_key: !Find [authentik_crypto.CertificateKeyPair, [name, {{ . }}]] {{- end }} {{- with .scopes }} property_mappings: {{- range . }} - !Find [authentik_providers_oauth2.ScopeMapping, [name, {{ .name | quote }}]] {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }}{{/* end with of get-root */}}