{{- if and ( .Values.prometheus.rules.enabled ) ( .Capabilities.APIVersions.Has "monitoring.coreos.com/v1" ) }} apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1 kind: PrometheusRule metadata: name: {{ include "matrix-synapse.fullname" . }} {{- with .Values.prometheus.rules.namespace }} namespace: {{ . | quote }} {{- end }} labels: {{- include "matrix-synapse.labels" . | nindent 4 }} {{- with .Values.prometheus.rules.labels }} {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} spec: groups: {{- if .Values.prometheus.rules.defaults.enabled }} - name: {{ template "matrix-synapse.name" . }}-Defaults rules: ### ### Prometheus Console Only ### The following rules are only needed if you use the Prometheus Console ### in contrib/prometheus/consoles/synapse.html ### - record: 'synapse_federation_client_sent' labels: type: "EDU" expr: 'synapse_federation_client_sent_edus_total + 0' - record: 'synapse_federation_client_sent' labels: type: "PDU" expr: 'synapse_federation_client_sent_pdu_destinations_count_total + 0' - record: 'synapse_federation_client_sent' labels: type: "Query" expr: 'sum(synapse_federation_client_sent_queries) by (job)' - record: 'synapse_federation_server_received' labels: type: "EDU" expr: 'synapse_federation_server_received_edus_total + 0' - record: 'synapse_federation_server_received' labels: type: "PDU" expr: 'synapse_federation_server_received_pdus_total + 0' - record: 'synapse_federation_server_received' labels: type: "Query" expr: 'sum(synapse_federation_server_received_queries) by (job)' - record: 'synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pending' labels: type: "EDU" expr: 'synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pending_edus + 0' - record: 'synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pending' labels: type: "PDU" expr: 'synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pending_pdus + 0' ### ### End of 'Prometheus Console Only' rules block ### ### ### Grafana Only ### The following rules are only needed if you use the Grafana dashboard ### in contrib/grafana/synapse.json ### - record: synapse_storage_events_persisted_by_source_type expr: sum without(type, origin_type, origin_entity) (synapse_storage_events_persisted_events_sep_total{origin_type="remote"}) labels: type: remote - record: synapse_storage_events_persisted_by_source_type expr: sum without(type, origin_type, origin_entity) (synapse_storage_events_persisted_events_sep_total{origin_entity="*client*",origin_type="local"}) labels: type: local - record: synapse_storage_events_persisted_by_source_type expr: sum without(type, origin_type, origin_entity) (synapse_storage_events_persisted_events_sep_total{origin_entity!="*client*",origin_type="local"}) labels: type: bridges - record: synapse_storage_events_persisted_by_event_type expr: sum without(origin_entity, origin_type) (synapse_storage_events_persisted_events_sep_total) - record: synapse_storage_events_persisted_by_origin expr: sum without(type) (synapse_storage_events_persisted_events_sep_total) ### ### End of 'Grafana Only' rules block ### {{- end }}{{/* end-if .defaults.enabled */}} {{- with .Values.prometheus.rules.additionalRules }} - name: {{ template "matrix-synapse.name" $ }}-Additional rules: {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }} {{- end }}{{/* end-with additionalRules */}} {{- end }}