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15 commits

51 changed files with 560 additions and 977 deletions

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: v2
name: alertmanager-matrix
description: Service for managing and receiving Alertmanager alerts on Matrix
type: application
version: "0.1.11"
version: "0.1.12"
# renovate:
appVersion: "0.5.0"

View file

@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
= alertmanager-matrix
image::[Version: 0.1.11]
image::[Type: application]
image::[AppVersion: 0.5.0]
== Maintainers
| Name | Email | Url
| WrenIX
| <>
== Usage
Helm must be installed and setup to your kubernetes cluster to use the charts.
Refer to Helm's[documentation] to get started.
Once Helm has been set up correctly, fetch the charts as follows:
helm pull oci://
You can install a chart release using the following command:
helm install alertmanager-matrix-release oci:// --values values.yaml
To uninstall a chart release use `helm`'s delete command:
helm uninstall alertmanager-matrix-release
== Values
| Key | Type | Default | Description
| affinity
| object
| `{}`
| autoscaling.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| autoscaling.maxReplicas
| int
| `100`
| autoscaling.minReplicas
| int
| `1`
| autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage
| int
| `80`
| bot.alertmanager
| string
| `"http://localhost:9093"`
| bot.colors.alert
| string
| `"black"`
| bot.colors.critical
| string
| `"red"`
| bot.colors.error
| string
| `"red"`
| string
| `"blue"`
| bot.colors.information
| string
| `"blue"`
| bot.colors.resolved
| string
| `"green"`
| bot.colors.silenced
| string
| `"gray"`
| bot.colors.warning
| string
| `"orange"`
| bot.icons.alert
| string
| `"🔔️"`
| bot.icons.critical
| string
| `"🚨"`
| bot.icons.error
| string
| `"🚨"`
| string
| `""`
| bot.icons.information
| string
| `""`
| bot.icons.resolved
| string
| `"✅"`
| bot.icons.silenced
| string
| `"🔕"`
| bot.icons.warning
| string
| `"⚠️"`
| bot.matrix.homeserver
| string
| `"http://localhost:8008"`
| bot.matrix.rooms[0]
| string
| `"!"`
| bot.matrix.rooms[1]
| string
| `"!"`
| bot.matrix.token
| string
| bot.matrix.userID
| string
| `"bot"`
| bot.messageType
| string
| `"m.notice"`
| bot.showLabels
| bool
| `false`
| bot.template.html
| string
| `"{{ range .Alerts }}\n <font color=\"{{.StatusString|color}}\">\n {{.StatusString|icon}}\n <b>{{.StatusString|upper}}</b>\n {{.AlertName}}:\n </font>\n {{.Summary}}\n {{if ne .Fingerprint \"\"}}\n ({{.Fingerprint}})\n {{end}}\n {{if $.ShowLabels}}\n <br/>\n <b>Labels:</b>\n <code>{{.LabelString}}</code>\n {{end}}\n <br/>\n{{- end -}}\n"`
| bot.template.text
| string
| `"{{ range .Alerts }}\n {{- .StatusString|icon}} {{ .StatusString|upper }}{{ .AlertName }}: {{ .Summary }} {{ if ne .Fingerprint \"\" -}}\n ({{.Fingerprint}})\n {{- end}}\n {{- if $.ShowLabels -}}\n , labels:\n {{- .LabelString}}\n {{- end }}\n{{ end -}}\n"`
| fullnameOverride
| string
| `""`
| image.pullPolicy
| string
| `"IfNotPresent"`
| image.registry
| string
| `""`
| image.repository
| string
| `"wrenix/alertmanager_matrix"`
| image.tag
| string
| `""`
| imagePullSecrets
| list
| `[]`
| ingress.annotations
| object
| `{}`
| ingress.className
| string
| `""`
| ingress.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| ingress.hosts[0].host
| string
| `"chart-example.local"`
| ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path
| string
| `"/"`
| ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType
| string
| `"ImplementationSpecific"`
| ingress.tls
| list
| `[]`
| logging.additionalFilters
| list
| `[]`
| Add other filters to Flow
| logging.dedot
| string
| `nil`
| if an filter (here or global) for dedot is active - for disable set `null`
| logging.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| Deploy Flow for logging-operator
| logging.globalOutputRefs
| list
| `["default"]`
| Flows globalOutputRefs for use of ClusterOutputs
| logging.localOutputRefs
| list
| `[]`
| Flows localOutputRefs for use of Outputs
| nameOverride
| string
| `""`
| nodeSelector
| object
| `{}`
| podAnnotations
| object
| `{}`
| podLabels
| object
| `{}`
| podSecurityContext
| object
| `{}`
| replicaCount
| int
| `1`
| resources
| object
| `{}`
| securityContext
| object
| `{}`
| service.port
| int
| `4051`
| service.type
| string
| `"ClusterIP"`
| serviceAccount.annotations
| object
| `{}`
| serviceAccount.create
| bool
| `true`
| string
| `""`
| tolerations
| list
| `[]`
Autogenerated from chart metadata using[helm-docs]

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "Service for managing and receiving Alertmanager alerts on Matrix"
# alertmanager-matrix
![Version: 0.1.11]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.5.0](
![Version: 0.1.12]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.5.0](
Service for managing and receiving Alertmanager alerts on Matrix
@ -72,13 +72,15 @@ helm uninstall alertmanager-matrix-release
| bot.matrix.userID | string | `"bot"` | |
| bot.messageType | string | `"m.notice"` | |
| bot.showLabels | bool | `false` | |
| bot.template.html | string | `"{{ range .Alerts }}\n <font color=\"{{.StatusString|color}}\">\n {{.StatusString|icon}}\n <b>{{.StatusString|upper}}</b>\n {{.AlertName}}:\n </font>\n {{.Summary}}\n {{if ne .Fingerprint \"\"}}\n ({{.Fingerprint}})\n {{end}}\n {{if $.ShowLabels}}\n <br/>\n <b>Labels:</b>\n <code>{{.LabelString}}</code>\n {{end}}\n <br/>\n{{- end -}}\n"` | |
| bot.template.html | string | `"{{ range .Alerts }}\n <font color=\"{{.StatusString|color}}\">\n {{.StatusString|icon}}\n <b>{{.StatusString|upper}}</b>\n {{.AlertName}}:\n </font>\n {{.Summary}}\n {{if ne .Fingerprint \"\"}}\n ({{.Fingerprint}})\n {{end}}\n {{if $.ShowLabels}}\n <br/>\n <b>Labels:</b>\n <code>{{.LabelString}}</code>\n {{end}}\n <br/>\n{{- end -}}\n"` | |
| bot.template.text | string | `"{{ range .Alerts }}\n {{- .StatusString|icon}} {{ .StatusString|upper }}{{ .AlertName }}: {{ .Summary }} {{ if ne .Fingerprint \"\" -}}\n ({{.Fingerprint}})\n {{- end}}\n {{- if $.ShowLabels -}}\n , labels:\n {{- .LabelString}}\n {{- end }}\n{{ end -}}\n"` | |
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"wrenix/alertmanager_matrix"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| global.image.pullPolicy | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy |
| global.image.registry | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all registry entries |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"wrenix/alertmanager_matrix"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. latest with current: - amd64 @sha256:2afd6d70f39fdfa98f11758090506f7845aee33cc8d900f9fe39a2574c272063 - 386 /x86 @sha256:beca95e9595de7169ab34406936b585d6676ce03a7fe51815b3a6a4944f9dd6d - arm v6 @sha256:ce40ea204497bfc9b2e796cf984eba53ba7c59164d39dcd4c11f0ca561e57eca - arm v7 @sha256:59ce3dfc73be5f70b873fe095e1eee4e0fe1f256b39f8f051ad0a2ffe9d1177e - arm v8 @sha256:fdbf50e944f8118dd1a44dde21b9cc098fb13837031e2f2492c148848c3d3cc8 - ppc64le @sha256:4ce02adbf4efe3ad04422e35bd4e87442a7c899fea13988adaeb985c720e0c63 - s390x @sha256:a202252cc00664a17caa5760f749b35a7b71253d1b1474b861f233e83ada1c76 |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ helm uninstall alertmanager-matrix-release
| podAnnotations | object | `{}` | |
| podLabels | object | `{}` | |
| podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.port | int | `4051` | |

View file

@ -37,8 +37,10 @@ spec:
- name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
{{- toYaml .Values.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
{{- with .Values.image }}
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default $.Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
- "/usr/local/bin/alertmanager_matrix"
{{- if }}

View file

@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
# Default values for alertmanager-matrix.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# -- if set it will overwrite all registry entries
# -- if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: wrenix/alertmanager_matrix
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# latest with current:
# - amd64 @sha256:2afd6d70f39fdfa98f11758090506f7845aee33cc8d900f9fe39a2574c272063
# - 386 /x86 @sha256:beca95e9595de7169ab34406936b585d6676ce03a7fe51815b3a6a4944f9dd6d
@ -79,8 +87,8 @@ bot:
{{- end -}}

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: v2
name: alertmanager-ntfy
description: Receiver for alertmanager to forward to
type: application
version: 0.1.5
version: "0.1.6"
# renovate:
appVersion: "0.4.0"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "Receiver for alertmanager to forward to"
# alertmanager-ntfy
![Version: 0.1.5]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.4.0](
![Version: 0.1.6]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.4.0](
Receiver for alertmanager to forward to
@ -49,10 +49,12 @@ helm uninstall alertmanager-ntfy-release
| autoscaling.minReplicas | int | `1` | |
| autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | `80` | |
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"xenrox/ntfy-alertmanager"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| global.image.pullPolicy | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy |
| global.image.registry | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all registry entries |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"xenrox/ntfy-alertmanager"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ helm uninstall alertmanager-ntfy-release
| podAnnotations | object | `{}` | |
| podLabels | object | `{}` | |
| podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.port | int | `80` | |

View file

@ -35,8 +35,10 @@ spec:
- name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
{{- toYaml .Values.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
{{- with .Values.image }}
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default $.Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
- name: http
containerPort: {{ .Values.ntfyAlertmanager.port }}

View file

@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
# Default values for ntfy-alertmanager.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# -- if set it will overwrite all registry entries
# -- if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: xenrox/ntfy-alertmanager
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name: autopush
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
type: application
version: "0.0.12"
version: "0.0.13"
# renovate:
appVersion: "1.72.2"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "A Helm chart for Kubernetes"
# autopush
![Version: 0.0.12]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 1.72.2](
![Version: 0.0.13]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 1.72.2](
A Helm chart for Kubernetes
@ -61,47 +61,80 @@ helm uninstall autopush-release
## Values
### Autoconnect
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| autoconnect.affinity | object | `{}` | |
| autoconnect.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| autoconnect.image.registry | string | `""` | |
| autoconnect.image.repository | string | `"wrenix/autopush/autoconnect"` | |
| autoconnect.image.tag | string | `"latest"` | |
| autoconnect.livenessProbe | object | `{"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}}` | This is to setup the liveness and readiness probes more information can be found here: |
| autoconnect.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | |
| autoconnect.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| autoconnect.image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| autoconnect.image.repository | string | `"wrenix/autopush/autoconnect"` | image repository |
| autoconnect.image.tag | string | `"latest"` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| autoconnect.livenessProbe | object | `{"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}}` | This is to setup the liveness probes more information can be found here: |
| autoconnect.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | This is for setting Kubernetes Annotations to a Pod. For more information checkout: |
| autoconnect.podLabels | object | `{}` | This is for setting Kubernetes Labels to a Pod. For more information checkout: |
| autoconnect.podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| autoconnect.readinessProbe.httpGet.path | string | `"/health"` | |
| autoconnect.readinessProbe.httpGet.port | string | `"http"` | |
| autoconnect.readinessProbe | object | `{"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}}` | This is to setup the readiness probes more information can be found here: |
| autoconnect.replicaCount | int | `1` | This will set the replicaset count more information can be found here: |
| autoconnect.resources | object | `{}` | We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi |
| autoconnect.securityContext | object | `{}` | securityContext capabilities: drop: - ALL readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 1000 |
| autoconnect.service.ports.http | int | `80` | |
| autoconnect.service.ports.router | int | `8081` | |
| autoconnect.service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | |
| autoconnect.tolerations | list | `[]` | |
| autoconnect.service.ports.http | int | `80` | port of http service |
| autoconnect.service.ports.router | int | `8081` | port of internal router service |
| autoconnect.service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | This sets the service type more information can be found here: |
| autoconnect.volumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional volumeMounts on the output Deployment definition. - name: foo mountPath: "/etc/foo" readOnly: true |
| autoendpoint.affinity | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| autoendpoint.image.registry | string | `""` | |
| autoendpoint.image.repository | string | `"wrenix/autopush/autoendpoint"` | |
| autoendpoint.image.tag | string | `"latest"` | |
| autoendpoint.livenessProbe | object | `{"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}}` | This is to setup the liveness and readiness probes more information can be found here: |
| autoendpoint.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.podLabels | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.readinessProbe.httpGet.path | string | `"/health"` | |
| autoendpoint.readinessProbe.httpGet.port | string | `"http"` | |
### Autoendpoint
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| autoendpoint.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| autoendpoint.image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| autoendpoint.image.repository | string | `"wrenix/autopush/autoendpoint"` | image repository |
| autoendpoint.image.tag | string | `"latest"` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| autoendpoint.livenessProbe | object | `{"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}}` | This is to setup the liveness probes more information can be found here: |
| autoendpoint.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | This is for setting Kubernetes Annotations to a Pod. For more information checkout: |
| autoendpoint.podLabels | object | `{}` | This is for setting Kubernetes Labels to a Pod. For more information checkout: |
| autoendpoint.readinessProbe | object | `{"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}}` | This is to setup the readiness probes more information can be found here: |
| autoendpoint.replicaCount | int | `1` | This will set the replicaset count more information can be found here: |
| autoendpoint.resources | object | `{}` | We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi |
| autoendpoint.securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.service.port | int | `80` | |
| autoendpoint.service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | |
| autoendpoint.tolerations | list | `[]` | |
| autoendpoint.service.port | int | `80` | This sets the ports more information can be found here: |
| autoendpoint.service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | This sets the service type more information can be found here: |
| autoendpoint.volumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional volumeMounts on the output Deployment definition. - name: foo mountPath: "/etc/foo" readOnly: true |
### UnifiedPush
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to add to the service account |
| serviceAccount.automount | bool | `true` | Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials? |
| serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | Specifies whether a service account should be created |
| | string | `""` | The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template |
| unifiedPush.enabled | bool | `false` | enable/deploy common-proxy for unifiedpush |
| unifiedPush.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| unifiedPush.image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| unifiedPush.image.repository | string | `"unifiedpush/common-proxies"` | image repository |
| unifiedPush.image.tag | string | `"v2.2.0"` | image tag |
| unifiedPush.livenessProbe | object | `{"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}}` | This is to setup the liveness more information can be found here: |
| unifiedPush.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | This is for setting Kubernetes Annotations to a Pod. For more information checkout: |
| unifiedPush.podLabels | object | `{}` | This is for setting Kubernetes Labels to a Pod. For more information checkout: |
| unifiedPush.readinessProbe | object | `{"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}}` | This is to setup the readiness probes more information can be found here: |
| unifiedPush.replicaCount | int | `1` | This will set the replicaset count more information can be found here: |
| unifiedPush.resources | object | `{}` | We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi |
| unifiedPush.service.port | int | `80` | This sets the ports more information can be found here: |
| unifiedPush.service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | This sets the service type more information can be found here: |
| unifiedPush.volumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional volumeMounts on the output Deployment definition. - name: foo mountPath: "/etc/foo" readOnly: true |
### Other Values
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| autoconnect.affinity | object | `{}` | |
| autoconnect.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | |
| autoconnect.podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| autoconnect.tolerations | list | `[]` | |
| autoendpoint.affinity | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| autoendpoint.tolerations | list | `[]` | |
| config.cryptoKey | string | `""` | run |
| config.logs.backtrace | bool | `false` | enable backtrace of autopush |
| config.logs.level | string | `"warn"` | set log level of autopush |
@ -139,7 +172,6 @@ helm uninstall autopush-release
| redis.architecture | string | `"standalone"` | |
| redis.auth.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| redis.auth.existingSecret | string | `""` | name of an existing secret with Redis credentials (instead of auth.password), must be created ahead of time |
| redis.auth.existingSecret | string | `nil` | Or use existing secret with "redis-password" key instead of static password |
| redis.auth.existingSecretPasswordKey | string | `""` | Password key to be retrieved from existing secret |
| redis.auth.password | string | `"autopush"` | XXX Change me! |
| redis.dbid | int | `0` | Database ID for non-default database |
@ -151,35 +183,16 @@ helm uninstall autopush-release
| redis.master.persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| redis.master.service.port | int | `6379` | |
| redis.replica.persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| serviceAccount.automount | bool | `true` | |
| serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | |
| | string | `""` | |
| unifiedPush.affinity | object | `{}` | |
| unifiedPush.config.gateway.allowedHosts | list | `[]` | |
| unifiedPush.config.gateway.generic.enable | bool | `true` | |
| unifiedPush.config.gateway.matrix.enable | bool | `true` | |
| unifiedPush.config.uaid | string | `""` | |
| unifiedPush.config.verbose | bool | `false` | |
| unifiedPush.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| unifiedPush.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| unifiedPush.image.registry | string | `""` | |
| unifiedPush.image.repository | string | `"unifiedpush/common-proxies"` | |
| unifiedPush.image.tag | string | `"v2.2.0"` | |
| unifiedPush.livenessProbe | object | `{"httpGet":{"path":"/health","port":"http"}}` | This is to setup the liveness and readiness probes more information can be found here: |
| unifiedPush.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | |
| unifiedPush.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | |
| unifiedPush.podLabels | object | `{}` | |
| unifiedPush.podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| unifiedPush.readinessProbe.httpGet.path | string | `"/health"` | |
| unifiedPush.readinessProbe.httpGet.port | string | `"http"` | |
| unifiedPush.replicaCount | int | `1` | This will set the replicaset count more information can be found here: |
| unifiedPush.resources | object | `{}` | We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi |
| unifiedPush.securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| unifiedPush.service.port | int | `80` | |
| unifiedPush.service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | |
| unifiedPush.tolerations | list | `[]` | |
| unifiedPush.volumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional volumeMounts on the output Deployment definition. - name: foo mountPath: "/etc/foo" readOnly: true |
| volumes | list | `[]` | Additional volumes on the output Deployment definition. - name: foo secret: secretName: mysecret optional: false |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using [helm-docs](

View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ spec:
{{- toYaml .securityContext | nindent 12 }}
{{- with .image }}
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default (printf "v%s" $.Chart.AppVersion) }}"
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}

View file

@ -104,8 +104,6 @@ redis:
# -- Password key to be retrieved from existing secret
existingSecretPasswordKey: ""
# -- Or use existing secret with "redis-password" key instead of static password
host: redis
port: 6379
@ -128,17 +126,28 @@ redis:
# -- This will set the replicaset count more information can be found here:
# @section -- Autoconnect
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# @section -- Autoconnect
# -- image repository
# @section -- Autoconnect
repository: wrenix/autopush/autoconnect
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
# @section -- Autoconnect
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# @section -- Autoconnect
tag: latest
# -- This is for setting Kubernetes Annotations to a Pod.
# For more information checkout:
# @section -- Autoconnect
podAnnotations: {}
# -- This is for setting Kubernetes Labels to a Pod.
# For more information checkout:
# @section -- Autoconnect
podLabels: {}
nodeSelector: {}
@ -157,15 +166,21 @@ autoconnect:
# readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 1000
# @section -- Autoconnect
securityContext: {}
# This is for setting up a service more information can be found here:
# This sets the service type more information can be found here:
# -- This sets the service type more information can be found here:
# @section -- Autoconnect
type: ClusterIP
# This sets the ports more information can be found here:
# -- port of http service
# @section -- Autoconnect
http: 80
# -- port of internal router service
# @section -- Autoconnect
router: 8081
# -- We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
@ -178,13 +193,17 @@ autoconnect:
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# @section -- Autoconnect
resources: {}
# -- This is to setup the liveness and readiness probes more information can be found here:
# -- This is to setup the liveness probes more information can be found here:
# @section -- Autoconnect
path: /health
port: http
# -- This is to setup the readiness probes more information can be found here:
# @section -- Autoconnect
path: /health
@ -194,22 +213,34 @@ autoconnect:
# - name: foo
# mountPath: "/etc/foo"
# readOnly: true
# @section -- Autoconnect
volumeMounts: []
# -- This will set the replicaset count more information can be found here:
# @section -- Autoendpoint
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# @section -- Autoendpoint
# -- image repository
# @section -- Autoendpoint
repository: wrenix/autopush/autoendpoint
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
# @section -- Autoendpoint
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# @section -- Autoendpoint
tag: latest
# This is for setting Kubernetes Annotations to a Pod.
# -- This is for setting Kubernetes Annotations to a Pod.
# For more information checkout:
# @section -- Autoendpoint
podAnnotations: {}
# This is for setting Kubernetes Labels to a Pod.
# -- This is for setting Kubernetes Labels to a Pod.
# For more information checkout:
# @section -- Autoendpoint
podLabels: {}
nodeSelector: {}
@ -231,9 +262,11 @@ autoendpoint:
# This is for setting up a service more information can be found here:
# This sets the service type more information can be found here:
# -- This sets the service type more information can be found here:
# @section -- Autoendpoint
type: ClusterIP
# This sets the ports more information can be found here:
# -- This sets the ports more information can be found here:
# @section -- Autoendpoint
port: 80
# -- We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
@ -246,13 +279,17 @@ autoendpoint:
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# @section -- Autoendpoint
resources: {}
# -- This is to setup the liveness and readiness probes more information can be found here:
# -- This is to setup the liveness probes more information can be found here:
# @section -- Autoendpoint
path: /health
port: http
# -- This is to setup the readiness probes more information can be found here:
# @section -- Autoendpoint
path: /health
@ -262,16 +299,28 @@ autoendpoint:
# - name: foo
# mountPath: "/etc/foo"
# readOnly: true
# @section -- Autoendpoint
volumeMounts: []
# -- enable/deploy common-proxy for unifiedpush
# @section -- UnifiedPush
enabled: false
# -- This will set the replicaset count more information can be found here:
# @section -- UnifiedPush
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# @section -- UnifiedPush
# -- image repository
# @section -- UnifiedPush
repository: unifiedpush/common-proxies
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
# @section -- UnifiedPush
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- image tag
# @section -- UnifiedPush
tag: "v2.2.0"
@ -284,11 +333,13 @@ unifiedPush:
enable: true
allowedHosts: []
# This is for setting Kubernetes Annotations to a Pod.
# -- This is for setting Kubernetes Annotations to a Pod.
# For more information checkout:
# @section -- UnifiedPush
podAnnotations: {}
# This is for setting Kubernetes Labels to a Pod.
# -- This is for setting Kubernetes Labels to a Pod.
# For more information checkout:
# @section -- UnifiedPush
podLabels: {}
nodeSelector: {}
@ -310,9 +361,11 @@ unifiedPush:
# This is for setting up a service more information can be found here:
# This sets the service type more information can be found here:
# -- This sets the service type more information can be found here:
# @section -- UnifiedPush
type: ClusterIP
# This sets the ports more information can be found here:
# -- This sets the ports more information can be found here:
# @section -- UnifiedPush
port: 80
# -- We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
@ -325,13 +378,17 @@ unifiedPush:
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# @section -- UnifiedPush
resources: {}
# -- This is to setup the liveness and readiness probes more information can be found here:
# -- This is to setup the liveness more information can be found here:
# @section -- UnifiedPush
path: /health
port: http
# -- This is to setup the readiness probes more information can be found here:
# @section -- UnifiedPush
path: /health
@ -341,19 +398,24 @@ unifiedPush:
# - name: foo
# mountPath: "/etc/foo"
# readOnly: true
# @section -- UnifiedPush
volumeMounts: []
# This section builds out the service account more information can be found here:
# Specifies whether a service account should be created
# -- Specifies whether a service account should be created
# @section -- UnifiedPush
create: true
# Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials?
# -- Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials?
# @section -- UnifiedPush
automount: true
# Annotations to add to the service account
# -- Annotations to add to the service account
# @section -- UnifiedPush
annotations: {}
# The name of the service account to use.
# -- The name of the service account to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
# @section -- UnifiedPush
name: ""
# This block is for setting up the ingress for more information can be found here:

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name: conduit
description: Conduit is a simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by Matrix.
type: application
version: "1.0.3"
version: "1.0.4"
# renovate:
appVersion: "0.9.0"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "Conduit is a simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by Matr
# conduit
![Version: 1.0.3]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.9.0](
![Version: 1.0.4]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.9.0](
Conduit is a simple, fast and reliable chat server powered by Matrix.
@ -41,6 +41,36 @@ helm uninstall conduit-release
## Values
### well known
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| wellknown.affinity | object | `{}` | pod affinity |
| wellknown.client | object | `{"m.homeserver":{"base_url":""},"org.matrix.msc3575.proxy":{"url":""}}` | client entry in well-known |
| wellknown.containerPort | int | `80` | port webservice |
| wellknown.enabled | bool | `false` | enable/deploy add extra webservice for well-known urls |
| wellknown.env | list | `[]` | pod env |
| wellknown.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| wellknown.image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| wellknown.image.repository | string | `"library/nginx"` | image repository |
| wellknown.image.tag | string | `"1.27.4"` | image tag |
| wellknown.nginxServerConf | string | `"server {\n listen {{ .containerPort }};\n server_name localhost;\n\n location /.well-known/matrix/server {\n return 200 {{ toJson .server | quote }};\n types { } default_type \"application/json; charset=utf-8\";\n }\n\n location /.well-known/matrix/client {\n return 200 {{ toJson .client | quote }};\n types { } default_type \"application/json; charset=utf-8\";\n add_header \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" *;\n }\n\n location / {\n # return 200 'Welcome to the conduit server!';\n # types { } default_type \"text/plain; charset=utf-8\";\n return 404;\n }\n\n location /nginx_health {\n return 200 'OK';\n types { } default_type \"text/plain; charset=utf-8\";\n }\n}"` | nginx config |
| wellknown.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | pod node selector |
| wellknown.podAnnotations | list | `[]` | pod annotations |
| wellknown.podLabels | object | `{}` | pod labels |
| wellknown.podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | securityContext of Pod |
| wellknown.replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| wellknown.resources | object | `{}` | pod resources |
| wellknown.rewriteRoot | bool | `false` | if ingress is enabled: specifies whether ingress should redirect the `/`-Location to the wellknown server |
| wellknown.securityContext | object | `{}` | securityContext of container |
| wellknown.server | object | `{"m.server":""}` | server entry in well-known |
| wellknown.service.annotations | object | `{}` | annotations of service |
| wellknown.service.port | int | `8080` | port of service |
| wellknown.service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | service type |
| wellknown.tolerations | list | `[]` | pod tolerations |
### Other Values
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| affinity | object | `{}` | |
@ -62,10 +92,12 @@ helm uninstall conduit-release
| conduit.wellKnown.client | string | `""` | client well-known configuration in conduit |
| conduit.wellKnown.server | string | `""` | server well-known configuration in conduit |
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"matrixconduit/matrix-conduit"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| global.image.pullPolicy | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy |
| global.image.registry | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all registry entries |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"matrixconduit/matrix-conduit"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -86,7 +118,7 @@ helm uninstall conduit-release
| podAnnotations | object | `{}` | |
| podLabels | object | `{}` | |
| podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.port | int | `6167` | |
@ -95,28 +127,5 @@ helm uninstall conduit-release
| serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | |
| | string | `""` | |
| tolerations | list | `[]` | |
| wellknown.affinity | object | `{}` | |
| wellknown.client | object | `{"m.homeserver":{"base_url":""},"org.matrix.msc3575.proxy":{"url":""}}` | client entry in well-known |
| wellknown.containerPort | int | `80` | |
| wellknown.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| wellknown.env | list | `[]` | |
| wellknown.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| wellknown.image.registry | string | `""` | |
| wellknown.image.repository | string | `"library/nginx"` | |
| wellknown.image.tag | string | `"1.27.4"` | |
| wellknown.nginxServerConf | string | `"server {\n listen {{ .containerPort }};\n server_name localhost;\n\n location /.well-known/matrix/server {\n return 200 {{ toJson .server | quote }};\n types { } default_type \"application/json; charset=utf-8\";\n }\n\n location /.well-known/matrix/client {\n return 200 {{ toJson .client | quote }};\n types { } default_type \"application/json; charset=utf-8\";\n add_header \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" *;\n }\n\n location / {\n # return 200 'Welcome to the conduit server!';\n # types { } default_type \"text/plain; charset=utf-8\";\n return 404;\n }\n\n location /nginx_health {\n return 200 'OK';\n types { } default_type \"text/plain; charset=utf-8\";\n }\n}"` | nginx config |
| wellknown.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | |
| wellknown.podAnnotations | list | `[]` | |
| wellknown.podLabels | object | `{}` | |
| wellknown.podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| wellknown.replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| wellknown.resources | object | `{}` | |
| wellknown.rewriteRoot | bool | `false` | if ingress is enabled: specifies whether ingress should redirect the `/`-Location to the wellknown server |
| wellknown.securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| wellknown.server | object | `{"m.server":""}` | server entry in well-known |
| wellknown.service.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| wellknown.service.port | int | `8080` | |
| wellknown.service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | |
| wellknown.tolerations | list | `[]` | |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using [helm-docs](

View file

@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ spec:
{{- toYaml .Values.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
{{- with .Values.image }}
image: "{{ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default (printf "v%s" $.Chart.AppVersion) }}"
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default $.Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
- name: http
containerPort: {{ .Values.service.port }}

View file

@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ spec:
{{- toYaml .Values.wellknown.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
{{- with .Values.wellknown.image }}
image: "{{ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag }}"
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default $.Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.wellknown.image.pullPolicy }}
- name: http
containerPort: {{ .Values.wellknown.containerPort }}

View file

@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
# Default values for conduit.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# -- if set it will overwrite all registry entries
# -- if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: matrixconduit/matrix-conduit
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
imagePullSecrets: []
@ -47,37 +55,78 @@ conduit:
server: ""
# -- enable/deploy add extra webservice for well-known urls
# @section -- well known
enabled: false
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# @section -- well known
# -- image repository
# @section -- well known
repository: library/nginx
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
# @section -- well known
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- image tag
# @section -- well known
tag: "1.27.4"
# -- replicas
# @section -- well known
replicaCount: 1
# -- pod labels
# @section -- well known
podLabels: {}
# -- pod annotations
# @section -- well known
podAnnotations: []
# -- securityContext of Pod
# @section -- well known
podSecurityContext: {}
# -- securityContext of container
# @section -- well known
securityContext: {}
# -- port webservice
# @section -- well known
containerPort: 80
# -- pod env
# @section -- well known
env: []
# -- pod resources
# @section -- well known
resources: {}
# -- pod node selector
# @section -- well known
nodeSelector: {}
# -- pod tolerations
# @section -- well known
tolerations: []
# -- pod affinity
# @section -- well known
affinity: {}
# -- service type
# @section -- well known
type: ClusterIP
# -- port of service
# @section -- well known
port: 8080
# -- annotations of service
# @section -- well known
annotations: {}
# -- if ingress is enabled: specifies whether ingress should redirect the `/`-Location to the wellknown server
# @section -- well known
rewriteRoot: false
# -- server entry in well-known
# @section -- well known
"m.server": ""
# -- client entry in well-known
# @section -- well known
"base_url": ""
@ -85,6 +134,7 @@ wellknown:
"url": ""
# -- nginx config
# @section -- well known
nginxServerConf: |-
server {
listen {{ .containerPort }};

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: v2
name: element-call
description: Run Element-Call and his dependencies
type: application
version: "0.1.7"
version: "0.1.8"
# renovate:
appVersion: "0.7.1"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "Run Element-Call and his dependencies"
# element-call
![Version: 0.1.7]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.7.1](
![Version: 0.1.8]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.7.1](
Run Element-Call and his dependencies
@ -41,6 +41,29 @@ helm uninstall element-call-release
## Values
### livekit JWT
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| service.lkJWT.config.key | string | `"devkey"` | key to livekit |
| service.lkJWT.config.secret | string | `"secret"` | secret to livekit |
| service.lkJWT.config.url | string | `""` | url to livekit |
| service.lkJWT.enabled | bool | `true` | enable to deploy livekit jwt service for element-call |
| service.lkJWT.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| service.lkJWT.image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| service.lkJWT.image.repository | string | `"element-hq/lk-jwt-service"` | image repository |
| service.lkJWT.image.tag | string | `"sha-4a29504"` | image tag |
| service.lkJWT.networkPolicy.egress.enabled | bool | `false` | activate egress no networkpolicy |
| service.lkJWT.networkPolicy.egress.extra | list | `[]` | egress rules |
| service.lkJWT.networkPolicy.ingress.http | list | `[]` | ingress for http port (e.g. ingress-controller) |
| service.lkJWT.replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| service.lkJWT.serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to add to the service account |
| service.lkJWT.serviceAccount.automount | bool | `true` | Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials? |
| service.lkJWT.serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | Specifies whether a service account should be created |
| | string | `""` | The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template |
### Other Values
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| autoscaling.enabled | bool | `false` | |
@ -58,10 +81,10 @@ helm uninstall element-call-release
| nameOverride | string | `""` | |
| | object | `{}` | |
| | object | `{}` | |
| | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| | string | `""` | |
| | string | `"element-hq/element-call"` | |
| | string | `nil` | Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| | string | `"element-hq/element-call"` | image repository |
| | string | `nil` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion |
| | string | `nil` | |
| | string | `"/"` | |
| | string | `"http"` | |
@ -75,7 +98,7 @@ helm uninstall element-call-release
| | object | `{}` | |
| | string | `"/"` | |
| | string | `"http"` | |
| | int | `1` | |
| | int | `1` | replicas |
| | object | `{}` | |
| | object | `{}` | |
| | object | `{}` | |
@ -84,34 +107,18 @@ helm uninstall element-call-release
| | string | `""` | |
| | list | `[]` | |
| service.lkJWT.affinity | object | `{}` | |
| service.lkJWT.config.key | string | `"devkey"` | |
| service.lkJWT.config.secret | string | `"secret"` | |
| service.lkJWT.config.url | string | `""` | |
| service.lkJWT.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| service.lkJWT.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| service.lkJWT.image.registry | string | `""` | |
| service.lkJWT.image.repository | string | `"element-hq/lk-jwt-service"` | |
| service.lkJWT.image.tag | string | `"sha-4a29504"` | |
| | string | `nil` | |
| service.lkJWT.livenessProbe.httpGet.path | string | `"/healthz"` | |
| service.lkJWT.livenessProbe.httpGet.port | string | `"http"` | |
| service.lkJWT.networkPolicy.egress.enabled | bool | `false` | activate egress no networkpolicy |
| service.lkJWT.networkPolicy.egress.extra | list | `[]` | egress rules |
| service.lkJWT.networkPolicy.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| service.lkJWT.networkPolicy.ingress.http | list | `[]` | ingress for http port (e.g. ingress-controller) |
| service.lkJWT.nodeSelector | object | `{}` | |
| service.lkJWT.podAnnotations | object | `{}` | |
| service.lkJWT.podLabels | object | `{}` | |
| service.lkJWT.podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.lkJWT.readinessProbe.httpGet.path | string | `"/healthz"` | |
| service.lkJWT.readinessProbe.httpGet.port | string | `"http"` | |
| service.lkJWT.replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| service.lkJWT.resources | object | `{}` | |
| service.lkJWT.securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.lkJWT.serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| service.lkJWT.serviceAccount.automount | bool | `true` | |
| service.lkJWT.serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | |
| | string | `""` | |
| service.lkJWT.tolerations | list | `[]` | |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using [helm-docs](

View file

@ -27,12 +27,16 @@ autoscaling:
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: element-hq/element-call
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion
config: {}
@ -85,16 +89,34 @@ service:
affinity: {}
# -- enable to deploy livekit jwt service for element-call
# @section -- livekit JWT
enabled: true
# -- replicas
# @section -- livekit JWT
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# @section -- livekit JWT
# -- image repository
# @section -- livekit JWT
repository: element-hq/lk-jwt-service
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
# @section -- livekit JWT
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- image tag
# @section -- livekit JWT
tag: sha-4a29504
# -- url to livekit
# @section -- livekit JWT
url: ""
# -- key to livekit
# @section -- livekit JWT
key: "devkey"
# -- secret to livekit
# @section -- livekit JWT
secret: "secret"
@ -102,11 +124,14 @@ service:
enabled: false
# -- ingress for http port (e.g. ingress-controller)
# @section -- livekit JWT
http: []
# -- activate egress no networkpolicy
# @section -- livekit JWT
enabled: false
# -- egress rules
# @section -- livekit JWT
extra: []
@ -118,14 +143,18 @@ service:
port: http
resources: {}
# Specifies whether a service account should be created
# -- Specifies whether a service account should be created
# @section -- livekit JWT
create: true
# Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials?
# -- Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials?
# @section -- livekit JWT
automount: true
# Annotations to add to the service account
# -- Annotations to add to the service account
# @section -- livekit JWT
annotations: {}
# The name of the service account to use.
# -- The name of the service account to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
# @section -- livekit JWT
name: ""
podAnnotations: {}

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: v2
name: forgejo-runner
description: Deploy runner for an forgejo instance (default
type: application
version: "0.4.15"
version: "0.4.17"
# renovate:
appVersion: "6.2.2"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "Deploy runner for an forgejo instance (default"
# forgejo-runner
![Version: 0.4.15]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 6.2.2](
![Version: 0.4.17]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 6.2.2](
Deploy runner for an forgejo instance (default
@ -76,6 +76,16 @@ helm uninstall forgejo-runner-release
## Values
### Docker in Docker
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
| dind.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| dind.image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| dind.image.repository | string | `"library/docker"` | image repository |
| dind.image.tag | string | `"28.0.0-dind"` | image tag |
| dind.resources | object | `{}` | We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi |
### Configuration yaml of runner (see:
| Key | Type | Default | Description |
@ -116,16 +126,14 @@ helm uninstall forgejo-runner-release
| autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | `100` | |
| autoscaling.minReplicas | int | `1` | |
| autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | `80` | |
| dind.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| dind.image.registry | string | `""` | |
| dind.image.repository | string | `"library/docker"` | |
| dind.image.tag | string | `"28.0.0-dind"` | |
| extraEnvVars | list | `[]` | Additional environment variables to be set on runner container Example: extraEnvVars: - name: FOO value: "bar" |
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"forgejo/runner"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| global.image.pullPolicy | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy |
| global.image.registry | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all registry entries |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"forgejo/runner"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| kubectl.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| kubectl.image.registry | string | `""` | |
@ -136,8 +144,8 @@ helm uninstall forgejo-runner-release
| podAnnotations | object | `{}` | |
| podLabels | object | `{}` | |
| podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| resources | object | `{}` | We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. limits: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi |
| runner.config.create | bool | `true` | |
| runner.config.existingSecret | string | `""` | use existingSecret instatt |
| runner.config.instance | string | `""` | |

View file

@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ spec:
{{- toYaml .Values.podSecurityContext | nindent 8 }}
- name: make-config-writeable
image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
{{- with .Values.image }}
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default $.Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
command: [ "/bin/cp", "/etc/runner/.runner", "/data/.runner" ]
{{- toYaml .Values.resources | nindent 12 }}
@ -46,8 +48,10 @@ spec:
- name: runner
{{- toYaml .Values.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
{{- with .Values.image }}
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default $.Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
- "sh"
- "-c"
@ -79,10 +83,16 @@ spec:
- name: dind
{{- toYaml .Values.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
image: "{{ .Values.dind.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.dind.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.dind.image.tag }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.dind.image.pullPolicy }}
{{- with .Values.dind.image }}
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.dind.resources }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 12 }}
{{- else }}
{{- toYaml .Values.resources | nindent 12 }}
{{- end }}
value: /certs

View file

@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
# Default values for forgejo-runner.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# -- if set it will overwrite all registry entries
# -- if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: forgejo/runner
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
imagePullSecrets: []
@ -141,10 +149,31 @@ runner:
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# @section -- Docker in Docker
# -- image repository
# @section -- Docker in Docker
repository: library/docker
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
# @section -- Docker in Docker
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- image tag
# @section -- Docker in Docker
tag: 28.0.0-dind
# -- We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
# choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
# resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
# lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# @section -- Docker in Docker
resources: {}
@ -178,17 +207,17 @@ securityContext:
# runAsNonRoot: true
# runAsUser: 1000
# -- We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
# choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
# resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
# lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
resources: {}
# We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious
# choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little
# resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following
# lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'.
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
enabled: false

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name: gotosocial
description: With GoToSocial, you can keep in touch with your friends, post, read, and share images and articles. All without being tracked or advertised to!
type: application
version: "0.2.13"
version: "0.2.14"
# renovate:
appVersion: "0.18.1"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "With GoToSocial, you can keep in touch with your friends, post, re
# gotosocial
![Version: 0.2.13]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.18.1](
![Version: 0.2.14]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.18.1](
With GoToSocial, you can keep in touch with your friends, post, read, and share images and articles. All without being tracked or advertised to!
@ -113,10 +113,10 @@ helm uninstall gotosocial-release
| gotosocial.trustedProxies[1] | string | `""` | |
| gotosocial.trustedProxies[2] | string | `"::1"` | |
| | string | `"UTC"` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"superseriousbusiness/gotosocial"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"superseriousbusiness/gotosocial"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ helm uninstall gotosocial-release
| podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| prometheus.servicemonitor.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| prometheus.servicemonitor.labels | object | `{}` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.port | int | `8080` | |

View file

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
# Default values for gotosocial.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# -- if set it will overwrite all registry entries
@ -9,13 +5,17 @@ global:
# -- if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: superseriousbusiness/gotosocial
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
imagePullSecrets: []

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name: grampsweb
description: A Helm chart for gramps web
type: application
version: "0.2.9"
version: "0.2.10"
# renovate:
appVersion: "25.2.0"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "A Helm chart for gramps web"
# grampsweb
![Version: 0.2.9]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 25.2.0](
![Version: 0.2.10]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 25.2.0](
A Helm chart for gramps web
@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ helm uninstall grampsweb-release
| autoscaling.minReplicas | int | `1` | |
| autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | `80` | |
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | |
| global.image.pullPolicy | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy |
| global.image.registry | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all registry entries |
| gramps.baseURL | string | `""` | Base URL where the API can be reached (e.g. This is necessary e.g. to build correct passwort reset links |
| gramps.mail.from | string | `nil` | "From" address for automated e-mails |
| | string | `nil` | SMTP server host (e.g. for sending password reset e-mails) |
@ -58,10 +60,10 @@ helm uninstall grampsweb-release
| gramps.mail.username | string | `nil` | SMTP server username |
| gramps.mediaPrefixTree | bool | `false` | whether or not to use a separate subfolder for the media files of each tree. Defaults to False, but strongly recommend to use True in a multi-tree setup |
| gramps.tree | string | `"Gramps Web"` | To enable multi-tree support, the TREE config option must be set to a single asterisk `*` |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"gramps-project/grampsweb"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"gramps-project/grampsweb"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ helm uninstall grampsweb-release
| podAnnotations | object | `{}` | |
| podLabels | object | `{}` | |
| podSecurityContext | object | `{}` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.port | int | `5000` | |

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ spec:
{{- end }}
{{- include "grampsweb.labels" . | nindent 8 }}
{{- with .Values.podLabels }}
{{- with .Values.podLabels }}
{{- toYaml . | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ spec:
- name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
{{- toYaml .Values.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
image: "{{ .Values.image.registry }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default (printf "v%s" .Chart.AppVersion) }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }}
{{- with $.Values.image }}
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default $.Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
- secretRef:
name: {{ include "grampsweb.fullname" . }}

View file

@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
# Default values for grampsweb.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# -- if set it will overwrite all registry entries
# -- if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: gramps-project/grampsweb
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
imagePullSecrets: []

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ nats:
repository: library/nats
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
tag: "2.10.25-scratch"
tag: "2.10.26-scratch"
nats: 4222

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ description: A document management system that transforms your physical document
type: application
version: "0.1.0"
version: "0.1.1"
# renovate:
appVersion: "2.14.7"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "A document management system that transforms your physical documen
# paperless-ngx
![Version: 0.1.0]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 2.14.7](
![Version: 0.1.1]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 2.14.7](
A document management system that transforms your physical documents into a searchable online archive so you can keep, well, less paper.
@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ helm uninstall paperless-ngx-release
| grafana.dashboards.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| grafana.dashboards.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| grafana.dashboards.labels.grafana_dashboard | string | `"1"` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | This is for the secrets for pulling an image from a private repository more information can be found here: |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ helm uninstall paperless-ngx-release
| | string | `""` | |
| redis.master.persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| redis.replica.persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.port | int | `80` | This sets the ports more information can be found here: |

View file

@ -11,13 +11,17 @@ imagePullSecrets: []
nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: ""
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
registry: ""
# -- image repository
repository: paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx
# -- This sets the pull policy for images.
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ name: "postgresql"
description: "A Helm chart for running PostgreSQL (Postgres) database"
type: "application"
version: "0.2.5"
version: "0.2.6"
# renovate:
appVersion: "17.4-alpine"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "A Helm chart for running PostgreSQL (Postgres) database"
# postgresql
![Version: 0.2.5]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 17.4-alpine](
![Version: 0.2.6]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 17.4-alpine](
A Helm chart for running PostgreSQL (Postgres) database
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ helm uninstall postgresql-release
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | |
| global.image.pullPolicy | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy |
| global.image.registry | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all registry entries |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"library/postgres"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"library/postgres"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| job.annotations | object | `{"":"post-install,post-upgrade","":"before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded"}` | Annotations (usefull to delete job by helm afterwards) |
| job.databases | object | `{}` | Bootstrap databases into postgresql server. When databases already exists, they will stay untouched. databases: "name_of_database": owner: "existing_user_which_will_get_grant" additionalParams: "" # Optional |

View file

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ job:
user-name: "RandomPassword0#"
owner: "existing_user_which_will_get_grant"
additionalParams: ""
owner: "existing_user_which_will_get_grant"
additionalParams: ""

View file

@ -6,10 +6,13 @@ global:
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: library/postgres
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
imagePullSecrets: []

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ apiVersion: v2
name: pretix
description: Reinventing ticket presales, one ticket at a time.
type: application
version: "0.1.9"
version: "0.1.10"
# renovate:
appVersion: "2025.1.0"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "Reinventing ticket presales, one ticket at a time."
# pretix
![Version: 0.1.9]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 2025.1.0](
![Version: 0.1.10]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 2025.1.0](
Reinventing ticket presales, one ticket at a time.
@ -87,13 +87,15 @@ helm uninstall pretix-release
| env.PRETIX_REDIS_LOCATION | string | `"redis://:changeme@pretix-redis-master/0"` | |
| env.PRETIX_REDIS_SESSIONS | bool | `true` | |
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | |
| global.image.pullPolicy | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy |
| global.image.registry | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all registry entries |
| grafana.dashboards.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| grafana.dashboards.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| grafana.dashboards.labels.grafana_dashboard | string | `"1"` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"pretix/standalone"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"pretix/standalone"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -143,8 +145,8 @@ helm uninstall pretix-release
| | string | `""` | |
| redis.master.persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| redis.replica.persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| replicas.taskworker | int | `1` | |
| replicas.web | int | `1` | |
| replicas.taskworker | int | `1` | replicas of taskworker |
| replicas.web | int | `1` | replicas of web service |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.port | int | `80` | |
@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ helm uninstall pretix-release
Autogenerated from chart metadata using [helm-docs](
# pretix
![Version: 0.1.9]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 2025.1.0](
![Version: 0.1.10]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 2025.1.0](
Reinventing ticket presales, one ticket at a time.
@ -218,13 +220,15 @@ Reinventing ticket presales, one ticket at a time.
| env.PRETIX_REDIS_LOCATION | string | `"redis://:changeme@pretix-redis-master/0"` | |
| env.PRETIX_REDIS_SESSIONS | bool | `true` | |
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | |
| global.image.pullPolicy | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy |
| global.image.registry | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all registry entries |
| grafana.dashboards.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| grafana.dashboards.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| grafana.dashboards.labels.grafana_dashboard | string | `"1"` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"pretix/standalone"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"pretix/standalone"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -274,8 +278,8 @@ Reinventing ticket presales, one ticket at a time.
| | string | `""` | |
| redis.master.persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| redis.replica.persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | |
| replicas.taskworker | int | `1` | |
| replicas.web | int | `1` | |
| replicas.taskworker | int | `1` | replicas of taskworker |
| replicas.web | int | `1` | replicas of web service |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.port | int | `80` | |

View file

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ spec:
{{- toYaml $.Values.securityContext | nindent 12 }}
{{- with $.Values.image }}
image: "{{ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default $.Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .pullPolicy }}
image: "{{ coalesce $ .registry }}/{{ .repository }}:{{ .tag | default $.Chart.AppVersion }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ coalesce $ .pullPolicy }}
{{- end }}
# Migrations are handled by helm hooks in pretix-migrate.yaml

View file

@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
# Default values for pretix.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# -- if set it will overwrite all registry entries
# -- if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
# This will set the replicaset count more information can be found here:
# -- replicas of web service
web: 1
# -- replicas of taskworker
taskworker: 1
# This sets the container image more information can be found here:
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: pretix/standalone
# This sets the pull policy for images.
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
cronSchedule: "*/30 * * * *"

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name: speedtest-exporter
type: application
version: "0.2.1"
version: "0.2.2"
# renovate:
appVersion: "3.5.4"

View file

@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
= speedtest-exporter
image::[Version: 0.2.1]
image::[Type: application]
image::[AppVersion: 3.5.4]
== Maintainers
| Name | Email | Url
| WrenIX
| <>
== Usage
Helm must be installed and setup to your kubernetes cluster to use the charts.
Refer to Helm's[documentation] to get started.
Once Helm has been set up correctly, fetch the charts as follows:
helm pull oci://
You can install a chart release using the following command:
helm install speedtest-exporter-release oci:// --values values.yaml
To uninstall a chart release use `helm`'s delete command:
helm uninstall speedtest-exporter-release
== Values
| Key | Type | Default | Description
| affinity
| object
| `{}`
| autoscaling.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| autoscaling.maxReplicas
| int
| `100`
| autoscaling.minReplicas
| int
| `1`
| autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage
| int
| `80`
| config.cacheFor
| int
| `0`
| cache result for seconds
| config.server
| string
| `nil`
| speedtest-serverid
| config.timeout
| int
| `90`
| timeout of speedtest
| fullnameOverride
| string
| `""`
| global.image.pullPolicy
| string
| `nil`
| if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
| global.image.registry
| string
| `nil`
| if set it will overwrite all registry entries
| grafana.dashboards.annotations
| object
| `{}`
| grafana.dashboards.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| grafana.dashboards.labels.grafana_dashboard
| string
| `"1"`
| image.pullPolicy
| string
| `"IfNotPresent"`
| image.registry
| string
| `""`
| image.repository
| string
| `"miguelndecarvalho/speedtest-exporter"`
| image.tag
| string
| `""`
| imagePullSecrets
| list
| `[]`
| ingress.annotations
| object
| `{}`
| ingress.className
| string
| `""`
| ingress.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| ingress.hosts[0].host
| string
| `"chart-example.local"`
| ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path
| string
| `"/"`
| ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType
| string
| `"ImplementationSpecific"`
| ingress.tls
| list
| `[]`
| livenessProbe.httpGet.path
| string
| `"/"`
| livenessProbe.httpGet.port
| string
| `"http"`
| nameOverride
| string
| `""`
| networkPolicy.egress.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| activate egress no networkpolicy
| networkPolicy.egress.extra
| list
| `[]`
| egress rules
| networkPolicy.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| networkPolicy.ingress.http
| list
| `[]`
| ingress for http port (e.g. ingress-controller, prometheus)
| nodeSelector
| object
| `{}`
| podAnnotations
| object
| `{}`
| podLabels
| object
| `{}`
| podSecurityContext
| object
| `{}`
| prometheus.servicemonitor.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| prometheus.servicemonitor.interval
| string
| `"1h"`
| interval
| prometheus.servicemonitor.labels
| object
| `{}`
| prometheus.servicemonitor.scrapeTimeout
| string
| `"2m"`
| scrape timeout
| readinessProbe.httpGet.path
| string
| `"/"`
| readinessProbe.httpGet.port
| string
| `"http"`
| replicaCount
| int
| `1`
| resources
| object
| `{}`
| securityContext
| object
| `{}`
| service.port
| int
| `80`
| service.type
| string
| `"ClusterIP"`
| serviceAccount.annotations
| object
| `{}`
| serviceAccount.automount
| bool
| `true`
| serviceAccount.create
| bool
| `true`
| string
| `""`
| tolerations
| list
| `[]`
| volumeMounts
| list
| `[]`
| volumes
| list
| `[]`
Autogenerated from chart metadata using[helm-docs]

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ title: "speedtest-exporter"
# speedtest-exporter
![Version: 0.2.1]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 3.5.4](
![Version: 0.2.2]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 3.5.4](
## Maintainers
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ helm uninstall speedtest-exporter-release
| grafana.dashboards.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| grafana.dashboards.enabled | bool | `false` | |
| grafana.dashboards.labels.grafana_dashboard | string | `"1"` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"miguelndecarvalho/speedtest-exporter"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"miguelndecarvalho/speedtest-exporter"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ helm uninstall speedtest-exporter-release
| prometheus.servicemonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | `"2m"` | scrape timeout |
| readinessProbe.httpGet.path | string | `"/"` | |
| readinessProbe.httpGet.port | string | `"http"` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| securityContext | object | `{}` | |
| service.port | int | `80` | |

View file

@ -5,13 +5,17 @@ global:
# -- if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: miguelndecarvalho/speedtest-exporter
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ name: stalwart-mail
description: Helm Chart for Stalwart Mail Server - Secure & Modern All-in-One Mail Server (IMAP, JMAP, SMTP)
type: application
version: 0.0.25
version: 0.0.26
# renovate:
appVersion: "0.11.6"

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "Helm Chart for Stalwart Mail Server - Secure & Modern All-in-One M
# stalwart-mail
![Version: 0.0.25]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.11.6](
![Version: 0.0.26]( ![Type: application]( ![AppVersion: 0.11.6](
Helm Chart for Stalwart Mail Server - Secure & Modern All-in-One Mail Server (IMAP, JMAP, SMTP)
@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ helm uninstall stalwart-mail-release
| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | |
| global.image.pullPolicy | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy |
| global.image.registry | string | `nil` | if set it will overwrite all registry entries |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | |
| image.registry | string | `""` | |
| image.repository | string | `"stalwartlabs/mail-server"` | |
| image.tag | string | `""` | Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy) |
| image.registry | string | `""` | image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry) |
| image.repository | string | `"stalwartlabs/mail-server"` | image repository |
| image.tag | string | `""` | image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | |
| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | |
| ingress.className | string | `""` | |
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ helm uninstall stalwart-mail-release
| prometheus.servicemonitor.labels | object | `{}` | |
| readinessProbe.httpGet.path | string | `"/healthz/ready"` | |
| readinessProbe.httpGet.port | string | `"http"` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | |
| replicaCount | int | `1` | replicas |
| resources | object | `{}` | |
| secrets.env.METRICS_SECRET | string | `"scrape_metrics_password"` | |
| secrets.env.METRICS_USERNAME | string | `"scrape_metrics_user"` | |

View file

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
# Default values for stalwart.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# -- if set it will overwrite all registry entries
@ -8,13 +5,17 @@ global:
# -- if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
# -- replicas
replicaCount: 1
# -- image registry (could be overwritten by global.image.registry)
# -- image repository
repository: stalwartlabs/mail-server
# -- This sets the pull policy for images. (could be overwritten by global.image.pullPolicy)
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
# -- image tag - Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
tag: ""
imagePullSecrets: []