fix(stalwart-mail): update appVersion
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 3 additions and 812 deletions
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ name: stalwart-mail
description: Helm Chart for Stalwart Mail Server - Secure & Modern All-in-One Mail Server (IMAP, JMAP, SMTP)
type: application
version: 0.0.18
version: 0.0.19
# renovate:
appVersion: "0.10.6"
appVersion: "0.10.7"
- name: WrenIX
@ -1,809 +0,0 @@
= stalwart-mail
image::[Version: 0.0.18]
image::[Type: application]
image::[AppVersion: 0.10.6]
== Maintainers
| Name | Email | Url
| WrenIX
| <>
= Alpha
We stop working on this Helm-Chart.
There are still many breaking change like:
*[storage.fts in toml configuration has two meanings]
We hope that stalward mail-server becomes more stable.
== Usage
Helm must be installed and setup to your kubernetes cluster to use the charts.
Refer to Helm's[documentation] to get started.
Once Helm has been set up correctly, fetch the charts as follows:
helm pull oci://
You can install a chart release using the following command:
helm install stalwart-mail-release oci:// --values values.yaml
To uninstall a chart release use `helm`'s delete command:
helm uninstall stalwart-mail-release
== Values
.Values DKIM
| Key | Type | Default | Description
| config.auth.dkim.sign
| list
| `[{"if":"listener != 'smtp'","then":"['rsa', 'ed25519']"},{"else":false}]`
| auth rule for signing with dkim
| config.auth.dkim.verify
| string
| `"relaxed"`
| verify of dkim signature (relaxed, strict, disable)
.Values Authentification
| Key | Type | Default | Description
| config.authentication.fallback-admin.secret
| string
| password for fallback authentfication (use env for store in secrets of kubernetes)
| config.authentication.fallback-admin.user
| string
| `"admin"`
| username for fallback authentfication
| string
| `"supersecret"`
| password for fallback authentfication (env)
.Values Other Values
| Key | Type | Default | Description
| affinity
| object
| `{}`
| autoscaling.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| autoscaling.maxReplicas
| int
| `100`
| autoscaling.minReplicas
| int
| `1`
| autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage
| int
| `80`
| certificate.certmanager.dnsNames[0]
| string
| `"chart-example.local"`
| certificate.certmanager.enabled
| bool
| `true`
| string
| `""`
| certificate.certmanager.issuerRef.kind
| string
| `"ClusterIssuer"`
| string
| `"letsencrypt-prod"`
| certificate.secretName
| string
| `nil`
| not needed if certmanager is used
| string
| `"rocksdb"`
| string
| `"internal"`
| config.metrics.prometheus.auth.secret
| string
| `"%{env:METRICS_SECRET}%"`
| config.metrics.prometheus.auth.username
| string
| `"%{env:METRICS_USERNAME}%"`
| config.metrics.prometheus.enable
| bool
| `true`
| config.server.listener.http.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:80"`
| config.server.listener.http.protocol
| string
| `"http"`
| config.server.listener.https.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:443"`
| config.server.listener.https.protocol
| string
| `"http"`
| config.server.listener.https.tls.implicit
| bool
| `true`
| config.server.listener.imap.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:143"`
| config.server.listener.imap.protocol
| string
| `"imap"`
| config.server.listener.imaptls.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:993"`
| config.server.listener.imaptls.protocol
| string
| `"imap"`
| config.server.listener.imaptls.tls.implicit
| bool
| `true`
| config.server.listener.pop3.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:110"`
| config.server.listener.pop3.protocol
| string
| `"pop3"`
| config.server.listener.pop3s.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:995"`
| config.server.listener.pop3s.protocol
| string
| `"pop3"`
| config.server.listener.pop3s.tls.implicit
| bool
| `true`
| config.server.listener.sieve.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:4190"`
| config.server.listener.sieve.protocol
| string
| `"managesieve"`
| config.server.listener.smtp.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:25"`
| config.server.listener.smtp.protocol
| string
| `"smtp"`
| config.server.listener.submission.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:587"`
| config.server.listener.submission.protocol
| string
| `"smtp"`
| config.server.listener.submissions.bind[0]
| string
| `"[::]:465"`
| config.server.listener.submissions.protocol
| string
| `"smtp"`
| config.server.listener.submissions.tls.implicit
| bool
| `true`
| string
| `"rocksdb"`
| string
| `"rocksdb"`
| string
| `"internal"`
| string
| `"rocksdb"`
| string
| `"rocksdb"`
| string
| `"lz4"`
| string
| `"/data"`
| string
| `"rocksdb"`
| config.tracer.otel.enable
| bool
| `false`
| config.tracer.otel.endpoint
| string
| `""`
| config.tracer.otel.headers
| list
| `[]`
| headers for usage with http (e.g. 'Authorization: <place_auth_here>')
| config.tracer.otel.level
| string
| `"info"`
| config.tracer.otel.transport
| string
| `"grpc"`
| grpc or http
| config.tracer.otel.type
| string
| `"open-telemetry"`
| config.tracer.stdout.ansi
| bool
| `false`
| config.tracer.stdout.enable
| bool
| `true`
| config.tracer.stdout.level
| string
| `"info"`
| config.tracer.stdout.type
| string
| `"stdout"`
| env
| list
| `[]`
| fullnameOverride
| string
| `""`
| global.image.pullPolicy
| string
| `nil`
| if set it will overwrite all pullPolicy
| global.image.registry
| string
| `nil`
| if set it will overwrite all registry entries
| image.pullPolicy
| string
| `"IfNotPresent"`
| image.registry
| string
| `""`
| image.repository
| string
| `"stalwartlabs/mail-server"`
| image.tag
| string
| `""`
| Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
| imagePullSecrets
| list
| `[]`
| ingress.annotations
| object
| `{}`
| ingress.className
| string
| `""`
| ingress.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| ingress.hosts[0].host
| string
| `"chart-example.local"`
| ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path
| string
| `"/"`
| ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType
| string
| `"ImplementationSpecific"`
| ingress.tls
| list
| `[]`
| livenessProbe.httpGet.path
| string
| `"/healthz/live"`
| livenessProbe.httpGet.port
| string
| `"http"`
| nameOverride
| string
| `""`
| nodeSelector
| object
| `{}`
| persistence.accessMode
| string
| `"ReadWriteOnce"`
| accessMode
| persistence.annotations
| object
| `{}`
| persistence.enabled
| bool
| `true`
| Enable persistence using Persistent Volume Claims ref:
| persistence.existingClaim
| string
| `nil`
| A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim Requires persistence.enabled: true If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound
| persistence.hostPath
| string
| `nil`
| Do not create an PVC, direct use hostPath in Pod
| persistence.size
| string
| `"10Gi"`
| size
| persistence.storageClass
| string
| `nil`
| Persistent Volume Storage Class If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass> If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner. (gp2 on AWS, standard on GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
| podAnnotations
| object
| `{}`
| podLabels
| object
| `{}`
| podSecurityContext
| object
| `{}`
| prometheus.servicemonitor.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| prometheus.servicemonitor.labels
| object
| `{}`
| readinessProbe.httpGet.path
| string
| `"/healthz/ready"`
| readinessProbe.httpGet.port
| string
| `"http"`
| replicaCount
| int
| `1`
| resources
| object
| `{}`
| secrets.env.METRICS_SECRET
| string
| `"scrape_metrics_password"`
| secrets.env.METRICS_USERNAME
| string
| `"scrape_metrics_user"`
| securityContext
| object
| `{}`
| service.annotations
| object
| `{}`
| service.ipFamilies[0]
| string
| `"IPv4"`
| service.ipFamilyPolicy
| string
| `"SingleStack"`
| other option is RequireDualStack
| service.ports.http
| int
| `80`
| service.ports.https
| int
| `443`
| service.ports.imap
| int
| `143`
| service.ports.imaptls
| int
| `993`
| service.ports.pop3
| int
| `110`
| service.ports.pop3s
| int
| `995`
| service.ports.sieve
| int
| `4190`
| service.ports.smtp
| int
| `25`
| service.ports.submission
| int
| `587`
| service.ports.submissions
| int
| `465`
| service.type
| string
| `"ClusterIP"`
| serviceAccount.annotations
| object
| `{}`
| serviceAccount.automount
| bool
| `true`
| serviceAccount.create
| bool
| `false`
| string
| `""`
| tolerations
| list
| `[]`
| traefik.enabled
| bool
| `false`
| traefik.ports.https.entrypoint
| string
| `"websecure"`
| traefik.ports.https.match
| string
| `nil`
| traefik.ports.https.passthroughTLS
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.https.proxyProtocol
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.imaptls.entrypoint
| string
| `"imaps"`
| traefik.ports.imaptls.match
| string
| `nil`
| traefik.ports.imaptls.passthroughTLS
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.imaptls.proxyProtocol
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.pop3s.entrypoint
| string
| `"pop3s"`
| traefik.ports.pop3s.match
| string
| `nil`
| traefik.ports.pop3s.passthroughTLS
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.pop3s.proxyProtocol
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.sieve.entrypoint
| string
| `"sieve"`
| traefik.ports.sieve.match
| string
| `nil`
| traefik.ports.sieve.passthroughTLS
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.sieve.proxyProtocol
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.smtp.entrypoint
| string
| `"smtp"`
| traefik.ports.smtp.match
| string
| `nil`
| traefik.ports.smtp.proxyProtocol
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.submissions.entrypoint
| string
| `"smtps"`
| traefik.ports.submissions.match
| string
| `nil`
| traefik.ports.submissions.passthroughTLS
| bool
| `true`
| traefik.ports.submissions.proxyProtocol
| bool
| `true`
| volumeMounts
| list
| `[]`
| volumes
| list
| `[]`
Autogenerated from chart metadata using[helm-docs]
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ description: "Helm Chart for Stalwart Mail Server - Secure & Modern All-in-One M
# stalwart-mail
  
  
Helm Chart for Stalwart Mail Server - Secure & Modern All-in-One Mail Server (IMAP, JMAP, SMTP)
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