To uninstall a chart release use `helm`'s delete command:
helm uninstall authentik-application-release
== Values
| Key | Type | Default | Description
| blueprint.application.bindPolicyID
| string
| `nil`
| uuid for bindPolicyID for group - if not set generated on secret for be stable (or groups: [] filled)
| blueprint.application.description
| string
| `""`
| description of application
| string
| `""`
| put this application in authentik in group
| blueprint.application.icon
| string
| `""`
| icon of application (url)
| blueprint.application.launchURL
| string
| `""`
| string
| `""`
| application name in menu
| blueprint.application.openInNewTab
| bool
| `false`
| open application in new tab
| blueprint.application.policyEngineMode
| string
| `"any"`
| blueprint.application.publisher
| string
| `""`
| publisher of application
| blueprint.application.slug
| string
| `"app-name"`
| application slug
| blueprint.authentik.domain
| string
| `""`
| domain to authentik, used in generated url (like issuer)
| blueprint.groups
| string
| `nil`
| authentik groups created / give access to this application disable any groups by set groups: [] (to a slice) example: - slug: "app: grafana-admin" parent: "app: infra" bindID: uuid